Copper impregnated graphite helps EDM in moldmaking

Common work metals, such as tool steels, are easy to EDM with traditional graphite electrodes. Others are not. Because of their unique characteristics, questions continue to arise about effectively EDMing materials like Beryllium Copper, Titanium and Tungsten Carbide. Even though graph-ite electrodes do an admirable job of EDMing these exotic metals, there is a more [...]

By |2020-07-12T14:57:48+08:00March 20th, 2010|News|3 Comments

What is EDM ?

The EDM is derived from Electrical Discharge Machining. The EDM process as we know it today started in 1770 with the observations of Joseph Preistly. He noticed that electrical discharges had removed material from electrodes used in his experiments. This is also known as electro-discharge erosion. Later on in the 1940's Soviet researchers developed a [...]

By |2024-08-21T18:00:31+08:00June 9th, 2009|News|2 Comments
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