1 What is a sourcing agent?

A China sourcing agent or sourcing agent firms are essential in the international market. Simply put, the job of a sourcing agent is to find the best supplier for the sellers. Finding a source (i.e., a supplier) for the products you want to sell is referred to as product sourcing. They are third-party service providers who assist you in locating the appropriate source.

Such third-party agents are in high demand, particularly in global trade. So, when it comes to finding the right product at the right price, China is the ideal country. The reason for this is that almost all products are manufactured here and are cheaper than in any other country. As a result, the sourcing agent must communicate with local suppliers in their language and be familiar with local customs.

Purchasing agent VS Sourcing Agent

A purchasing agent or purchasing office can assist you in obtaining the products you require. Both sourcing agents and purchasing agents perform similar functions, but the sourcing agent earns commissions while the purchasing agent acts as a trader. He buys the items at low prices from local vendors and sells them to the buyer for a profit. Buying from a purchasing agent is appropriate if the purchase quantity is small.

2 Sourcing Agent Vs. Sourcing Company What’s the difference?

In the international market, people frequently use the terms sourcing agents and sourcing companies interchangeably. For example, if someone needs to locate suppliers in China, they will say, “Find me a sourcing agent or a souring company.” However, this is not the correct course of action because there are numerous distinctions between these two entities. So, let us look at what those are.

Sourcing Agent

A sourcing agent is a person who works full-time to help you find a product. Typically, sourcing agents are individuals who work alone or with the assistance of another assistant. They work in small offices or from their homes. Many people have previous experience working for sourcing or trading firms. These types of China sourcing agents can be easily found on popular websites, and you can even find some sourcing websites through their websites.

Sourcing Companies

Sourcing firms, also known as sourcing agencies, help with sourcing, quality inspection, shipping, and warehousing. It is supported by a team of experts who understand how to manage all of these activities effectively. These businesses are more efficient and can serve multiple customers at the same time. These sourcing firms are typically found in industrial areas. In China, sourcing firms can be found in Guangzhou, Yiwu, and Shenzhen.

3 Why use a sourcing company?

There are many factors to consider when selecting a sourcing firm. A sourcing company can assist you in finding the products you’re looking for in a specific area because many online platforms require products from numerous sources. The following justifies your need for a sourcing firm.

3.1 Briefings

If you work with a reputable sourcing company, language will not be a barrier to your transactions. When it comes time to negotiate, the experts at sourcing companies will help you brief every specification or product you want to buy from a supplier. They also assist in ensuring that everything is included in the product.

3.2 To save time

The main reason to hire a sourcing company is to save precious time. The sourcing companies help you to find suppliers and get things done on time. Sourcing companies help you to get start things right away and in the right way. You don’t need to negotiate and brief about your requirements; the sourcing company, will do that on your behalf.

3.3 Easy to verify certificates

When selecting a supplier for your products, you must check and verify the certificates and licenses. It ensures that they are conducting business correctly and in accordance with local laws. You can’t do all of these things because these certificates are usually in native languages. Sourcing firms assist you in verifying these details and avoiding working with scammers who operate under false agency licenses and names. As a result, if you choose a sourcing company, you can easily reduce the risk of being scammed.

3.4 Easy to negotiate

Negotiation is the most difficult task for foreigners in China or any other unknown country. However, this will be easily handled by local sourcing companies who are familiar with the local practices and customs. They can help you get the products at lower prices without compromising the specifications you want if you know the right price and negotiation techniques.

3.5 Great network and experience

Experience can never be replaced. When you hire a sourcing company, you can get sourcing agents with extensive experience and a larger network. They may have previously worked with several manufacturers and will know where to look for the products you seek. As a result of their ex tensive market experience and knowledge of the manufacturers, they can assist you in finding the right supplier.

4 Can you find a suitable supplier on your own?

Yes, there are numerous methods for locating the best supplier for your requirements.  you can Google them and find the best one for you. Many businesses have their own websites, where you can connect and get the information you require.