Moldmakers and molders who have developed a clear-cut process to control tooling transfers will have the most calculated opportunity to capture business in a spiraling economy.

Moldmakers and molders need to invest in the art and practice of project management if they want to add value to tooling transfers through a closely knit full service tooling and production environment.

You need to develop a detailed process of coordinating transfer tooling and controlling the supply of the parts, on-time, within the quoted pricing and cycle times. The most influential factor for success is highly efficient project management and constant communication. In addition to experienced mold design engineers, toolmakers and process engineers in one location that are able to act quickly to tooling conditions.

The transfer process is rarely without challenges and carries a high level of risk for the customer and for those receiving the tools. Effective project management remains the most successful weapon against getting burned and meeting deliverables. Be prepared to sit down with your customer or supplier if you’re moving tools and walk through the coordinated effort. Don’t get caught up in the game of working “it” out later. Molds will arrive on your doorstep in surprising condition due to wear, age, lack of preventative maintenance or even outright abuse. It’s best to identify these conditions up front and know how you plan to resolve them sooner rather than later.