You need to organize the material flow properly, be transparent about planning and control operations and identify standardization and modularization potentials throughout the entire order-fulfillment process, from costing to design and programming to production.To ensure data consistency throughout the streamlined production process, please uses Siemens NX.

Apart from designing and using our own standard components to build our molds, we count on standardized design, You need standard elements that are always designed exactly the same. That is one key aspect of it, but you must also standardize the process itself. Reduction is key here. Take, for example, reducing the number of tools. When you have 500 tools, it is unrealistic to think you could operate an automated line. Fifty would be a good number, because your tool library remains manageable, and you can reduce potential sources for error. And these 50 tools will have to do, no matter what.” Hofmann explains that you must also standardize programming through libraries, configurations and attributes to execute the process in a secure and uniform manner. An automated workflow from design to NC code helps reduce programming time and eliminates errors. Since we never manufacture the same workpieces, standardization and process reliability are crucial for us.