Bank security cameras are only as effective as their field of view. If they are not placed in the right locations, then they might not capture the right moments, from the right angles, with the right level of detail. Here are all the places you should place bank security cameras.


The fact is that financial institutions require a high level of security. As such, there should be no blindspots in your security coverage. While not every square inch of your branch needs to be captured in the same level of detail, you should make sure that there are security cameras recording a wide field view of the entire location, including both the public and employee-only areas. The one exception, of course, are the restrooms where privacy can be assumed.

Covering all ATMs

ATMs are a common target for many types of theft and fraud. Criminals may try to break into an ATM or steal the entire unit. They may also try to rob people using the ATM or make fraudulent transactions.

It’s important that ATM security cameras have a clear view of the person using the machine, including their face, as well as the surrounding area. Bank patrons need to feel safe as they approach the ATM and leave with their cash.

Entrance and exits of banks

There should be cameras pointing at both sides of every entrance and exit. These cameras serve two main functions. First, they give you a clear view of the face of every person entering your bank, in addition to a clear view of their physique and attire. Second, These cameras tend to be more visible than others and therefore are particularly strong deterrents to criminal behavior in your bank.

These cameras can also help you perform footfall counting. Knowing how many people are entering your business makes it possible to measure the value of your branches in new ways, from the conversion rates of your investment advisors to when your branches are busiest.

Teller areas

One of the core functions of bank tellers is to handle cash. This is a particularly risky task from a loss prevention and theft perspective. To prevent tellers from stealing from your bank, your customers, or working with customers to steal from you, you need to have a clear view of how they are handling cash, what they are doing on their computer, and all the other equipment they use.

Having video to pair with the transactions in your bank branches opens up non-security benefits as well. By pairing bank transactions with video, you can see what is happening each time your tellers interact with patrons. This leads to better customer experience as well as makes it possible to track many new metrics.

Bank lobby

As mentioned above, financial institutions require a high level of security and your bank security camera system should cover the entire building. The bank lobby is where customers enter your bank and wait for service. Because of the heavy foot traffic in this area, there is the risk of injury.

Bank lobby security cameras give you eyes on the cleanliness of your branches so that, for example, you can confirm wet floor signs are being placed near the doors during rainy weather to reduce the potential liability of a customer slip-and-fall.

Bank vault

Similar to entrances and exits to the bank, you should have security cameras on the inside and outside of the vault. If there is a staircase or hallway leading to the vault, then those should also be covered by security cameras. This gives you another chance to get a clear view of faces on camera to confirm only authorized persons access the bank vault.

Parking lots

Parking lots are dangerous places. Between accidents and malicious behavior, there are a lot of liability risks as well as the potential for injury. Bank security cameras can help deter crime in your parking lots to keep your patrons and their vehicles safe. It also helps reduce your personal liability if something does happen by providing objective evidence of who is responsible.