CAM System must know Your Postprocessor

Many CAM software products produce toolpath process data and write neutral-formatted output files, like APT CL data. An external postprocessor program then translates the neutral data to a specific machine tool focusing on machine tool kinematics and controller syntax information. This traditional process has certainly been successfully applied. […]

By |2014-12-01T02:32:53+08:00March 25th, 2011|Blog|1 Comment

The choice of CAD Translation Software

Adapting CAD modeling data for CAM is not always a seamless process. Even small inaccuracies in file translation can result in time-consuming manual repairs. And even if the translated data is accurate, some designs may fail to meet manufacturing requirements, increasing the difficulties of cutting the mold or resulting in bad mold configurations that build [...]

By |2014-12-01T02:32:44+08:00March 19th, 2011|Blog|1 Comment
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