As a mold maker, what should we know?

1. Intricate details involved in part manufacture. The amount of effort and engineering (mechanical, manufacturing, industrial, chemical, metallurgy/materials, polymer, fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, and even electrical)—regardless of required part tolerance—that goes into each and every mold to produce a quality, aesthetically pleasing, flash-free injection molded component. […]

By |2020-07-12T14:56:38+08:00April 9th, 2011|Blog|1 Comment

Mold makers have many opportunities in packaging industry

During the past three years, we have seen many tool shops suffer from servicing just one industry. The danger of being so specialized is being buried with work when the market is good—forcing one to ignore opportunities from new customers in different business areas—or drying up entirely when sales are slow for an extended period [...]

By |2020-07-12T14:56:39+08:00April 3rd, 2011|News|2 Comments

How to mill ribs with cutting tools?

A review of machining options for tapered rib processing, typically found in plastic injection and die cast molds. Applications involving tapered ribs are usually associated with plastic injection and die cast molds. For many years the process used for creating tapered ribs was EDM; however, utilizing programming processes that incorporate high-speed machining (HSM) principles can [...]

By |2014-12-01T02:33:06+08:00April 3rd, 2011|Blog|1 Comment
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