Efficiently produce a set of mold

Mold shops that recognize the potential of technology and equipment, and prioritize both accuracy and productivity will increase their competitiveness in the marketplace. The key is utilizing machines that are engineered to reduce the time-consuming elements of mold manufacturing, increase mold quality, enhance accuracy and eliminate opportunities for human error. […]

By |2020-07-12T14:56:10+08:00April 8th, 2014|Blog|1 Comment

5-axis CNC machine benefits mold manufacturer

Efficient CNC machining capabilities are more important than ever for moldmakers seeking to maintain a competitive edge in today’s market. Oftentimes, large, heavy parts require intricacies that become increasingly difficult to maintain using a standard three-axis or four-axis horizontal machining center. Switching to a 5-axis CNC machine can provide users with the ability to manufacture [...]

By |2020-07-12T14:56:12+08:00June 9th, 2013|News|8 Comments

Simulation makes mold design more correct

In the injection molding industry, it is common for companies to rely on trial-and-error methods to solve production problems. Without process simulation, operators suggest a mold configuration, which “should work” for a specific part geometry, based on experience. Factors such as tempering or processing times are defined later during the first production trials. It is [...]

By |2020-07-12T14:56:12+08:00June 9th, 2013|Blog|1 Comment
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