Step One – Setup
the first step a moldmaker must take to machine at high speeds without having to purchase a fancy piece of equipment is to reduce setup time. “Everybody can do it and it doesn’t cost anything,You have to go in stages.
Setup time is the time you start a project to the time you stop the project. You have to understand what you are doing and don’t look at the big picture. When you do that it becomes so overwhelming. Break everything down into smaller stages – the time it takes for someone to square the steel, the time the steel sits on the floor – can any of this be reduced? Work on the steel as soon as it’s in-house. Start with the manufacturing end of the job. The management end is a whole other ball game.”
Step Two – Documentation
we practices a simple philosophy when it comes to documentation: “Say what you do, do what you say and document it. It makes a lot of sense if everybody understands what’s going on and anyone can pick up the ball at any time and just follow a machine. If someone gets the steel off of the shelf and knows that it has to be squared or drilled, write this information down so that anyone in the shop knows where it is going next. Then there is more control over what is going on; and if a machine is open it can be utilized faster.”
Step Three – Upgrade Your Equipment
we recommends looking at high-performance drills. There are thousands out now,They are an investment just like any machine and they give you two to three thousand holes at one-tenth the time that it takes you to do a normal drill hole. This is how cycle time gets reduced a little bit at a time. If you can reduce your drilling time from a half-hour to five minutes, how long does it take to pay for the high-performance drill? Not very long. Think about your long-term investment and results.
Step Four – Roughing/Contouring
Once prep time is reduced, setup time for contouring also must be decreased, This can be done by using a magnet, a fixture system, dowel pins or a combination of all three,The goal is to be more efficient because we don’t have the manpower to do everything.
It’s important that everyone works together,The steel is ready to be roughed, so someone has to put the steel on the machine.
At that point, we go to our CAM software and produces his roughing program. It’s good to work with software that you can program ahead while you are setting up the machine. It must process fast and have a basic format so that all operators will feel comfortable on it.we summarizes the process while recommending the buddy system: Let’s say there are two of us. When the steel comes in the door, you grab it and put it on the machine that drills the holes. While you are doing that, I get the IGES file and produce the roughing paths.
So you’ve drilled it with the high-performance drills and I have the roughing program. Now you go ahead and take that piece of steel and put it on the machine for contouring. At that time, I get ready and grab another piece of steel that has to be drilled. The part that’s being contoured is roughing and I either have another piece of steel ready to go onto another machine – or that machine – and you go ahead and start programming the next toolpath for the next piece of steel. Now the work is flowing nicely between the two of us.
We don’t have a programming department that doesn’t understand what tools we have or how we secure the steel, so we’ve eliminated a big communication gap,I feel if we bring the programming down to the floor in a controlled manner, we will be successful – but everything must already be planned: What types of tools do we use in our roughing? What are the parameters behind that tool? Everyone in the group needs to be on the same page so there’s no guesswork.
Step Five – Semi-Finish and Finish Passes
since roughing is 25 to 30 percent of the mold build process, it’s time to either get additional machines roughing or start to produce the semi-finish and finish passes while the steel is roughing.
When we quote a job, there might be five hours for programming, 10 hours for machining, then 10 to 15 hours for bench time (polishing and assembly),What we’ve done is take our 10 hours of machining time and included our programming time. We’ve already cut off a third of our overhead. So while it’s machining, the operator is producing the semi-finish and finish passes. Then while it’s running, he can get the tools prepared and set in their holders, and make sure he has all of the tools – the whole nine yards.
At that point the moldmaker needs to decide if it’s better to use a higher quality carbide tool,For example, if the machine capabilities for finishing are 110 inches per minute, that’s all he has. So, will he want to use a tool that will go 50 or 60 inches a minute or one that will actually utilize what the machine is capable of? In other words, does it make more sense to stop and change tools on a cheaper carbide tool or to spend a little more money on a better tool that will last longer?
My ball nose endmills cost me $160, but at 10,000 rpm I’m able to go 180 inches a minute,” Mills continues. “My competitor is going 40 inches a minute with a cheaper tool. What takes him four hours takes me one hour. So, when you buy a higher quality tool, it’s not the price of the tool, but what you are actually saving with that tool.
Also remember that this tool will cut better and give you the benefit of reduced bench time. Instead of buying four machines next week because you have all of this work to do, what if you can make each machine four times more efficient? We are increasing our capacity fourfold by using something we can throw away, and not having to increase manpower. So maybe it’s not necessary for us to buy that machine or buy a new building until we are ready.
These little tricks will allow moldmakers to get more money, Mills emphasizes, which will give them the ability to expand and/or buy more equipment when the time is right for them.
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