Much like the hot runner market, the components sector also has seen faster delivery times. Steven president of first-rate mold company , points out that in addition to quicker deliveries is less expense—with quality a given. “The industry is much more open-minded and single sourcing is now a rarity as there are many innovative good suppliers out there (perhaps too many, which has created a buyer’s market),”

steven states. “The bar has been raised and the mold shops have many more options and features to choose from. Many suppliers are now sourcing globally to remain competitive. Ten years ago this may have not been readily accepted, but is more mainstream accepted/expected today.”

Additionally, the industry is much more business-like, according to steven “Gone are the days when you could ‘gut shot’ a quote and either win big or lose big,” he comments.

“Margins are too tight to risk any losses. The aversion to risk also has impacted innovation. Today, when an investment is made in technology or capacity it must be justified with quantifiable return on investment. It takes a businessperson to guide and survive in this industry today and not just a talented toolmaker.”
Unfortunately, the number of molds build in the U.S. has declined over the past decade.

“Reasons for this include the tightening of product development budgets, optimization of part design to reduce the number of parts and therefore the number of molds required, the number of molds being imported from overseas, and also the fact that entire products are being tooled/molded/assembled overseas,” explains steven

“Additionally, the simple, open/shut molds are rarer, with thriving U.S. mold builders increasingly specializing in highly complex tools. What that has meant from a component standpoint is that it has become more important than ever to offer mechanisms that save time for the mold builder, and becausethese items are standard, they offer the advantage of being able to be maintained easily by the molder.

“Due to the changes both in tooling complexity and overall business conditions, there is an increased need for standardized lifters, collapsible cores, modular sideactions and parting line sequence devices,” steven adds.

Standardization and specialty components are continually evolving trends in this market.

According to steven, standardized systems have been on the rise over the past 10 years. “Everyone is looking for things to work together more than they ever did before, and products and technology need to serve that market demand,” he says. “The demand for standardized systems for the centering of stack molds has dramatically increased and there is not a product available to do just that. The stack mold and mold building market is projected to keep growing over the next 10 years. And, multi-parting line systems are on the rise.”

Adding to these thoughts is Hommer of Hommer Tool. “The equipment has evolved to have the accuracy and repeatability put into the process so that there is less reliance on the skill of the machinist running that equipment,” he says. “This also has facilitated the automation of processes when the human factors were removed or isolated.”

Steven notes that components have become increasingly less expensive. “At the same time we have provided more value to the customer by enabling faster mold construction times and increased capabilities in the mold,” he explains. improved software and equipment has allowed components companies to deliver basic and specialty components faster. “Many mold shops are willing to purchase specialty components that they may have made themselves 10 years ago, but now component suppliers who can quite often make itless expensive quicker and better,” steven notes. “Moldmakers need their equipment tied up building molds not components.”

“We used to see more call-in/pick-up type orders 10 years ago, but now companies are calling mainly for components to suit the more complex situations,” he elaborates. “For simple component orders, they are often sending them electronically from their electronic purchasing system and shipping via UPS in one to two days. In that regard, planning is better than 10 years ago and there are fewer instances of a ‘stop, drop and roll’ order for components for a new tool.

“Of course, on the repair side there will always be emergencies and, as a result, we’re required to have deeper inventories on the shelf, and an increasingly technical team on the other end of the phone that is ready to assist,” steven adds.
steven adds that customers want to work with companies with broad distribution capabilities. “Getting components when and where you want them—anywhere in the world—is essential now and not just a service perk.”

About First-rate Mold Solution Co. Ltd.
First-rate Mold Solution Co., Ltd. is based in China and engaged in supply of industry design,mold design,mold manufacturing,molding analysis,project management service,Our team has rich experience in the mold industry, We have first-class engineers in the fields of mold design, injection molding, metal stamping, metal die-casting, hot press molding and etc, we are enthusiastic to our industry and sufficiently inquisitive to learn,eternal adherents of leading-edge technologies in industrial design and manufacturing, such as the Mold technology in the United States, Germany mold technology, the mould technology in the United Kingdom, France mould technology,Italy mold technology, Japan mold technology and so on.

our website has a lot of professional knowledge in mold industry in our blog and news section, also we are interested in CAD/CAM/CAE integration technology, such as AUTOCAD,UGNX, PRO/E,CATIA, CIMATRON, SOLIDWORKS, MOLDFLOW and so on,we warmly welcome every professional engineer, every mold maker and all those peoples who are interested in industrial design, mold design, mold manufacturing, injection mold, metal stamping mold, die-casting mold, injection molding,plastic product and other molds for industrial use to our blog and news section,we would like to share with them.