Many moldmakers have discovered that remaining profitable requires. As a result, automation has become increasingly important to the industry. A majority of moldmakers now implement some form of automation to maximize productivity,
but many of these solutions have been built in a piecemeal fashion, with machines, pallet changers or robots all coming from different sources. While such systems can work extremely well, they may create an extremely complex situation as upgrades and maintenance are required.
Additionally, when each component is designed specifically to complement the other components it will be partnered with, a much greater level of efficiency can be attained and maintenance is managed by a single source.
Productivity gains also can be found through the high levels of accuracy attained by new technologies in diesinking EDM. Thermostabilization has become very sophisticated in recent years. Today, machines can be purchased that contain pulsed air systems that circulate cooled air within the cabin, adjusting its temperature as needed by using probes to monitor the temperature of the dielectric.
Similar systems maintain temperature stability through the frame of the machine and dielectric fluid is circulated through the work table to prevent thermal shocks while filling the tank. By eliminating the impact of temperature fluctuations, the positioning of electrodes relative to workpieces becomes even more accurate and may allow for faster cutting speeds due to perfect alignment from one electrode to the next.
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