China has been the biggest producer of toys in the world since 1993. Toys are, therefore, one of the products in which China’s manufacturing has a long history. Many toy buyers from around the world rely on sourcing China toys. This guide provides an overview of major considerations for sourcing toys from China.

Understanding China’s rich toy heritage and import strategies enables confident sourcing of high-quality toys at competitive prices.

Where are most China toys manufactured?

China is a significant manufacturer of various toys, serving both the domestic and international markets. China is the place to be for a wide range of toy categories. Especially for products like Chinese plush toys, dolls, board games, educational toys, electronic toys, and many more.

China excels in large-scale production and offers competitive pricing due to its efficient manufacturing capabilities.

Each toy category has specific regions with strong resources, highly efficient networks, and well-developed infrastructure for producing that specific toy category

For most other toy categories, China is a great place for sourcing toys. There are some exceptions also exist for certain products, such as handcrafted wooden toys or artisanal toys made from natural materials. China doesn’t produce these on a large scale.

How has China become such a dominant player in the toy manufacturing industry?

China has become a dominant player in the toy manufacturing industry by combining key factors similar to those contributing to its dominance in other product categories.

In China, you find an enormous variety of factories specialising in producing toys across different price ranges, from very low-priced options to top-tier brands.

Flexibility is one major strength of many Chinese suppliers. They can both handle small orders, while also being able to scale up quickly, all while maintaining competitive pricing.

The specialisation of certain areas in specific product categories leads to additional advantages, such as streamlined production processes, optimised manufacturing capabilities, and cost advantages resulting from economies of scale.

China’s large pool of skilled labour, advanced technology, and a well-established supply chain also all contribute to its competitive advantage in toy manufacturing. These factors have made China the go-to destination for sourcing a wide variety of toys.

Are made-in-China toys of good quality?

Whether toys made in China are of good quality is a complex question, and you cannot answer it by a simple “yes” or “no.” China has a diverse manufacturing industry and numerous reputable- but also many low-quality toy manufacturers. There are huge differences in how toys are made in different factories. Many toy makers in China adhere to strict quality control measures, ensuring their products meet safety standards and are of high quality. This is especially true for manufacturers whose major market is in Europe or other developed countries.

However, many low-quality, counterfeit toys that do not meet EU safety standards are also on the market. Suppliers often compete heavily on price. They, therefore, often cut corners in the quality of the materials or quality processes in the market. Understanding the market and proactive management and control of your suppliers and supply chain is necessary to get the high-quality toys your brand needs.

Are made-in-China toys safe and compliant with the EU market?

Product safety and compliance are some of the most feared and misunderstood issues by toy buyers in my experience. Unclear regulations, uncommitted Chinese suppliers, and fraudulent test reports further complicate matters. Importers face significant risks when uncertain about their ability to meet stringent product regulations, particularly in the EU market.

The safety and compliance of toys made in China for the EU market vary significantly. Many Chinese factories can and are willing to produce safe and compliant China toys, while others do not. The latter kind of factory often focuses mostly on developing countries where low prices are often prioritised over safety standards.

However, this is not just for developing countries. Many Western sellers, especially sellers on marketplaces such as Amazon, are also attracted to the lower prices offered by these factories. Numerous studies show that up to 80% of inexpensive toys sold online through these marketplaces do not meet EU regulations.

How this can be dealt

Importing China toys into the EU market while ensuring safety and compliance requires careful consideration. Many toy manufacturers in China lack the expertise to meet the strict standards set by the EU Toy Safety Directive. The materials used in their toys may for example not comply with chemical restrictions, flammability requirements, and mechanical safety standards (the standards formulated under EN-71). Many plush toys contain too much phthalates for example and the paint that is used for coloring toys often contains heavy metals.

To import safe goods into the European market, importers must proactively select and manage suppliers. Since importers have full responsibility for compliance, they should go beyond relying solely on supplier documentation. Importers can ensure safety and compliance by implementing the right strategies. They can implement independent third-party testing, conduct factory inspections, and establish clear production contracts that outline compliance responsibilities.

When following this approach, you can confidently import toys from China that are genuinely safe and meet all regulatory requirements for entry into the EU market. Read our dedicated article about ensuring product safety and compliance.

How to source toys from China?

For any business seeking a reliable source of suitable toys, sourcing directly from factories in China provides many opportunities. However, there are also a lot of difficulties and risks to be faced when sourcing toys from China. Read further about mitigating risks and finding opportunities when sourcing in China.

How to find toy suppliers?

There are several effective ways to find reliable suppliers in the Chinese toy industry. You can search for them online, visit trade fairs, or enlist the help of a sourcing agent.

Online platforms

One of the easiest methods to find toy suppliers from China is by searching on global sourcing websites or local websites. These platforms provide direct contact with suppliers and allow you to filter specifically for the toys you need. However, it’s important to be very cautious and not believe all that suppliers say online, as some Chinese suppliers may create a positive online presence while potentially hiding important information.

Trade Fairs and Wholesale markets

Another approach to finding China toy suppliers is by attending trade fairs or visiting toy industry clusters in China. Notable toy fairs in China include the Shenzhen International Toy & Education Fair in April, the Shanghai China Toy Expo in October, and the HKTDC Hong Kong Toys & Games Fair in January.

You can also meet suppliers face-to-face by attending the general Import-Export Fair in Guangzhou (the Canton Fair) held every spring and autumn. or visit Toy Fairs closer to home, such as the Spielwarenmesse in Nuremberg, Germany, in January/February. Many Chinese suppliers also join these fairs and expose their products there.

Large toy wholesale markets in specific clusters and cities like Shantou and Yiwu are also good places to connect with multiple suppliers. These cities feature warehouses that showcase toys from thousands of suppliers year-round. Yiwu is the place with the largest wholesale markets, but this is also the place where many cheap toys are being sold, which are often not suitable for the European market. Guangdong usually offers better options for European buyers.

Attending wholesale markets allow interested buyers to explore new samples and make purchases. Additionally, visiting these cities provides the opportunity to tour factories in person.

Work with a reliable sourcing agent

Finally, collaborating with a sourcing agent based in China can greatly assist in identifying reliable suppliers for you. They also handle negotiations, supplier and order control, quality control, and logistics based on your toy needs and budget.

Working with a sourcing agent offers the advantage of their expertise in the field and market. This provides better results and more control over the quality than sourcing suppliers online all by yourself. Moreover, they can save you time by managing fair visits and order management and save money by making you independent of European toy importers.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of sourcing directly from factories, compared to wholesale toy markets or trading companies?

When considering the advantages and disadvantages of buying toys, different options present themselves: wholesale toy markets, trading companies, and direct purchases from factories.

Wholesale toy markets offer a wide variety of options and competitive prices. Customers can explore numerous suppliers and choose from a diverse range of China toys.

A major challenge is the lack of control over the quality and safety of the toys available in these markets. Many low-quality suppliers offer their products here, and customisation is usually not possible when purchasing from them.

Trading companies provide a middle-ground option for toy purchasing. They offer convenience and assistance in sourcing and some level of quality control. The biggest advantage is that they often can supply toys for lower MOQs than the factory. It’s important to note that trading companies may add additional costs to the overall price. Commonly, they make a margin of up to 20% on any item sold to you.

Opting to purchase toys directly from factories grants customers greater control over product quality and pricing, especially for larger order amounts. Customers can establish a direct relationship with the manufacturer. This approach requires more effort in terms of communication, logistics, and ensuring compliance with safety standards. Customers should be prepared to handle these aspects independently or can work with a sourcing agent to help facilitate the process.

What factors should you consider when evaluating and selecting reliable toy suppliers in China?

When selecting a reliable toy supplier in China, first conduct thorough research on the market and identify the kind and location of suppliers that match your product needs. Don’t be too obsessed with lower prices when searching for suitable suppliers online, as there may be hidden issues. The best supplier is the one that suits your situation. Assess the size and location of the ideal supplier and what target price is realistic to target to.

Next, compare suppliers and select suitable ones based on factors like production capabilities, pricing, communication professionalism as well as company characteristics like location, size and expertise. It’s important to choose suppliers that adhere to international safety standards. They should also meet your innovative and ethical needs, and communicate effectively and transparently.

Additionally, for smaller companies, order amounts play a crucial role in the selection, as larger quantities may warrant direct factory buying that requires higher MOQs, while smaller orders can explore alternative options, such as working with trading companies.

During the selection process, some necessary qualities just can’t be confirmed online. Therefore visit the factory for an audit before deciding to work with them. Also observe supplier behaviours during work on reliability, transparency and quality output. This is the most practical way to find the most suitable supplier for your needs.

What are the potential challenges or risks associated with sourcing China toys?

As described before, when sourcing toys from China, there are several potential challenges and risks to consider. These include:

  1. Varying Quality: The quality of toys made in China can vary significantly and therefore quality must be managed and controlled.
  2. Safety, Compliance and lack of market expertise: The safety and compliance of toys made in China for the EU market can be a concern. Many Chinese toy factories may lack the expertise to meet the strict standards set by the EU Toy Safety Directive.
  3. Supplier Reliability: there are many low-quality suppliers in the market that are not going to give you the products that you expect to receive.
  4. Lack of control over delivery and suppliers: You may not get the goods with the same specifications, quality and delivery times as expected.

But should these possible risks and difficulties withhold you from sourcing Chinese toys directly from Chinese factories?

Why is sourcing safe and good quality China toys not as complicated as you may think

For many starting importers, it can be scary to start sourcing from China. How do you know if the goods are safe and of good quality? How do you guarantee that you receive the goods as promised? So, the major issue is how to stay in control of your purchasing while ordering from Chinese suppliers.

These issues may be daunting, but when following the right steps you can stay in control and mitigate many risks.

Some necessary steps are:

A thorough supplier selection and due diligence process

Negotiating, communicating and agreeing on terms and expectations.

Making samples and written agreements as a basis for your cooperation

Follow your orders and suppliers and plan inspections to stay in control of quality and delivery

Work with your suppliers for long term smooth cooperation

When you take these steps, you can directly import toys successfully from China, just like thousands of others of other buyers do. A transparent agent in China can be your partner to help you with this. A company like Sino Import Solutions can help with all these steps. This can save you much money compared to buying from European importers. And it can save you much time and let you mitigate many risks compared to doing everything by yourself.

How to follow the toy trends in 2024 while sourcing in China?

The toy market is always changing. The Toy Association has identified the top toy trends for 2024[2], which were showcased at the Nuremberg Toy Fair earlier this year. These trends reflect the evolving preferences of children and parents and seem to drift away from the colorful plastic and electronic toys that have long dominated the toy world. This means that Chinese suppliers also have to adjust their offerings.

The most clear trend is that of “Eco-lasting Play.” Both within the industry and with parents, commitment to sustainability and focus on product safety have come more to the forefront. Many toy manufacturers are prioritising eco-friendly and durable materials more, both in their packaging and product materials and in creating durable toys that can withstand the test of time.

Another trend is of the so-called “Vitamin P(lay),” which addresses the growing emphasis on mindful parenting by offering toys that promote physical and mental well-being. These toys encourage active play, emotional intelligence, and social interaction, supporting children’s holistic development. Many of these products don’t give too much stimulus to the kids, avoiding bright colors and unexpected lights and noises. These toys are particularly good for children with autism or attention deficiencies.

Sourcing toys directly from China?

China remains the dominant player in global toy manufacturing. Sourcing toys directly from China presents challenges related to quality control, safety, and supply chain management. When addressing major considerations and using best practices, sourcing toys from China can be safe and effective. With careful supplier selection, strong quality control and proactive planning, importers can access China’s promising toy manufacturing ecosystem. You can access competitive pricing, industry expertise, and many product categories in a way that meets all regulatory requirements.

To understand how we can help you with your toy sourcing challenges, Please contact us today!