High-speed, high-quality mesh technology automatically generates the high-resolution hexa-based mesh in which the mesh model perfectly matches the original runner design with high accuracy.

Three-dimensional runner mesh technology simulates filling behavior and temperature variation inside the runner, which helps analyze uneven temperature distribution that shear heating and multi-cavity mold-flow imbalance induces. The mesh quality is essential for generating an accurate simulation.

Designers using simulationsoftware used to prepare the 1D pass curve with a 2D cross-section mesh and then create 3D runner mesh through sweep or other tools for solid mesh generation. For simpler runner designs, the software advancements of today enable designers to semi-automatically generate 3D runner mesh with wire frames and runner parameters like the diameter. These tools are essential in mold-filling simulation and will significantly affect the analysis results.

However, more complicated runner designs require significant time and effort to build models for numerous and sophisticated 3D runner mesh. New mesh technology for high-quality runner models with hexa-based solid mesh, node types and node preview features can help designers quickly create runner models with 3D mesh.

Hexa-based runner mesh enables designers to attain required mesh layers with fewer elements. It is built with high-resolution and high-quality mesh and can also help reduce operation and analysis time.

At the connection of the runner curves, node types automatically are provided based on the curve amount, angles and runner types. This new runner mesh technology provides a real-time node preview, so designers do not have to wait until the end of mesh generation. The runner mesh result will match the node setting perfectly without deformation. The software also generates a hexa-based mesh for common runner layouts and boundary-layer mesh for more complicated runner layouts. Users also can choose common gate node types for mesh generation.

High-speed, high-quality mesh technology automatically generates the high-resolution hexa-based mesh in which the mesh model perfectly matches the original runner design with high accuracy.