Some strategies to improve the valuation of a mold company

Although often shrouded in overly complicated financial terms, business valuations are generally straightforward. As a baseline, companies are worth the amount of cash they generate each year, times some “multiple” heavily influenced by the attractiveness of the relevant industry. Within each industry, larger companies will trade at higher multiples than will smaller ones. In today's [...]

By |2021-03-01T08:57:24+08:00March 1st, 2021|News|0 Comments

Quality management help to limit visible and hidden costs in mold making

Most mold shops are well acquainted with the visible costs of poor quality. Still, these are just the tip of the iceberg compared to the deeper and more intractable invisible costs lurking below the waterline. Shops that think of quality as only a cost center enforce the incorrect perception that the quality function is essentially [...]

By |2021-02-01T09:46:04+08:00February 1st, 2021|News|3 Comments

How to do your mold maintenance in the future

Industry 4.0 has been getting a lot of attention from molders as they look to take advantage of connecting processing information with production information to efficiently produce quality parts on time.  It only makes sense that as the 4.0 culture continues to grow within the molding industry, the mold repair side of the business starts [...]

By |2021-01-01T10:46:12+08:00January 1st, 2021|News|0 Comments

A new thinking of mold design

Designing molds with additive tooling implementation in mind requires blending traditional mold standards with innovative new ideas of what is possible to push the limits of mold performance. Additive tooling refers to the use of 3D printing (e.g. direct metal laser sintering or DMLS) to produce mold inserts out of metal, specifically tool steels, that [...]

By |2020-11-01T11:21:25+08:00November 1st, 2020|News|6 Comments

How to build your resilient supply chain after COVID-19

COVID-19 has brought trouble to the global supply chain. It exposed weaknesses that hindered the flow of business. Now, as the world takes steps to define a new post-epidemic normalized business model, manufacturers are rethinking their supply chains. Therefore, European and American companies have new requirements for overseas suppliers, that is, they need to create [...]

By |2020-08-01T11:09:31+08:00August 1st, 2020|News|2 Comments
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