Excellent dimensional accuracy (dependent on casting material, but typically 0.1 mm for the first 2.5 cm (0.005 in. for the first inch) and 0.02 mm for each additional centimeter (0.002 in. for each additional inch).

Smooth cast surfaces (1—2.5 μm (40—100 μin.) rms).

Thinner walls can be cast as compared to sand and permanent mold casting (approximately 0.75 mm (0.030 in.).
Inserts can be cast-in (such as threaded inserts, heating elements, and high strength bearing surfaces).

Reduces or eliminates secondary machining operations.

Rapid production rates.

Casting tensile strength as high as 415 MPa (60 ksi).


Casting weight must be between 30 grams (1 oz) and 10 kg (20 lb).

Casting must be smaller than 600 mm (24 in.).

High initial cost.

Limited to high-fluidity metals.

A certain amount of porosity is common.

Thickest section should be less than 13 mm (0.5 in.).

A large production volume is needed to make this an economical alternative to other processes.